Yes, if you select the follow button at the section, article, post, or topic level you'll receive an email notification alerting you that something changed or was added.
Help Center
At the section level, there is a follow button you can select. In order to get to this location from the home screen, please click on the topic you are interested in, for example, RadiantOne FID. From there you will see individual sections within that topic. Next, click on the section you are interested in following- for example, Virtual View Interception. Now you will see the "follow" button to the right of the section title. See the screenshot below.
At the article level, there is a follow button you can select, see the screenshot below.
Customer Community
You also have the ability to follow topics and posts within the customer community.
At the topic level, there is a follow button you can select, see the screenshot below.
At the post level, there is a follow button you can select, see the screenshot below.
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