Known Issues - Updating from v7.4.8 to v7.4.9

Known Issue #1:

There is an issue with importing data sources into v7.4.9 that have been exported in version 7.4.8 or earlier. 

Note - This issue is also seen when exporting from one cluster to another cluster even if the RadiantOne versions are the same in the source and target cluster (e.g. a data source exported from a cluster running v7.4.10 and imported into a cluster running RadiantOne v7.4.10).

Work Around:

Use the migration utility v2.1.9 to export the configuration in v7.4.8 and import the configuration into v7.4.9 with the cross-environment flag. An example of the import command into v7.4.9 is shown below.

C:\MigrationUtility\radiantone-migration-tool-2.1.9\migrate.bat import C:/tmp/ cross-environment

During the export, generate a migration plan and then edit the .json file to use the keyword MIGRATE next to the items you want to be included in the export, and the keyword KEEP next to items that you do not want included in the export. Only export the resources (e.g. data sources) that you want to import into v7.4.9. 

Migration Utility documentation: Migration Utility | Radiant Logic Documentation


Known Issue #2:

There is an issue with using the web update installer to update from RadiantOne v7.4.8 to v7.4.9 resulting in the following error in web.log:

ERROR com.rli.install.web.filters.ExceptionFilter:36 - Caught unexpected exception.
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing JSP page [/WEB-INF/jsp/update_confirmation.jsp] at line [61]

Work Around:

1. Use the command line to run the update instead of the web UI.

2. Run a Radiant Logic provided shell script (Linux) or Powershell script (Windows) prior to launching the web-based update installer. Pass the RadiantOne install location when you run the script. Examples:
On Windows (launch Powershell as Administrator):

./fix748war.ps1 C:\radiantone\vds

On Linux:

./ /home/myuser/radiantone/vds


Shell scripts are located in Sharefile. You must create an account if you haven't already done so.

Create an account:


If you already have a Sharefile account, you can login here:

v7.4.9 files are located at: Customer Downloads/update_installers/7.4/7.4.9.

For Linux, run the script passing the RadiantOne install location as shown in the example above, prior to running the web update installer.

For Windows, start Powershell as an Administrator and run the fix748war.ps1 script passing the RadiantOne install location as shown in the example above, prior to running the web update installer.

NOTE : Anyone running version 7.4.8 and trying to update to a higher version 7.4.9+ will have this bug. 


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