Integrating RACF in RadiantOne

RadiantOne supports RACF/ACF2 through an LDAP bridge, which is deployed in 2 ways:

1. The Integrated Security Services LDAP Server (or ISS LDAP) is the heritage z/OS LDAP server, and is no longer being enhanced. It supports multiple backend datastores, such as RACF (called the SDBM) and DB2 (TDBM). This version of the directory is often referred to as just z/OS LDAP

2. The IBM Tivoli Directory Server for z/OS (or Tivoli Directory Server for z/OS) is the newer z/OS LDAP server. It was introduced in March 2007, and new enhancements will go into this product going forward. It contains many of the features of ISS LDAP, but it provides an enhanced set of backend datastores and other functionality enhancements. Both versions are shipped with z/OS V1R8.0 and V1R9.0 to help customers migrate to the newer Tivoli Directory Server for z/OS.
See section: How do IGA Systems Access RACF Data in this article:
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