RadiantOne v7.4.12 Release Notes

Release Notes are located here: v7.4.12 Release Notes


Files associated with the release:

RadiantOne v7.4.12 Installers - in Customer Downloads/installers/7.4/7.4.12

RadiantOne v7.4.12 Updaters - in Customer Downloads/update_installers/7.4/7.4.12

Migration Utility - Customer Downloads/MigrationUtilty/Migration Utility v2.1

Active Directory Password Change - If you need to detect password changes in an Active Directory backend, you need to manually update files in: <RLI_HOME>/bin/ad_pwd. The new files are located in Sharefile in the same location as the v7.4.12 updater files mentioned above in the ActiveDirectoryPasswordCapture folder. Also, the .NET framework v4.8 and VC++ distributable v14.38+ must be installed (or updated if an earlier version is already installed) on the RadiantOne machine. 


Note - You will need to create an account to access the files. There is not an FTP site to access these files. If your organization does not allow access to Sharefile, please reach out to the Radiant Logic support team and provide an organizationally approved location where we can upload the relevant files.


Create an account: https://radiantlogicinc246.sharefile.com/i/i1bc2de34c6e42bba


If you already have a Sharefile account, you can login here and access the installers, updaters and Migration Utility: https://radiantlogicinc246.sharefile.com/

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