Steps to compare data between backend data source and P-Cache.

Product: FID

Version: v7.4.11

Question: How to periodically verify if the p-cache is up to date for all the objects? 



Step 1: Export backend data as an LDIF file.

Navigate to <RLI_HOME>\vds\bin (from command line as Admin) and run this command:

vdsconfig.bat export-ldif -basedn "action=ignorecache,<naming_context of proxy>" -scope sub -ldif "<RLI_HOME>\vds\vds_server\ldif\export\export_usecache.ldif" -interactive


Step 2: Export cache data as an LDIF file.

Navigate to <RLI_HOME>\vds\bin (from command line as Admin) and run this command:

vdsconfig.bat export-ldif -basedn "action=usecache,<naming_context of proxy>" -scope sub -ldif "<RLI_HOME>\vds\vds_server\ldif\export\export_usecache.ldif" -interactive


Step 3: Sort the exported LDIF files.

Navigate to <RLI_HOME>\vds\bin\advanced (from command line as Admin) and run this command:
ldif-utils.bat -s "<path of the extracted ldif files in previous steps"


Step 4: Compare the sorted LDIF files

Navigate to [RLI_HOME]\bin\advanced (from command line as Admin) and run this command:
ldif-utils.bat -c "[path of the ignorecache sorted ldif]" "[path of the usecache sorted file]" -g true -w difference.ldif


These steps provide us the difference in objects between backend data source and cache.




Certain attributes are ignored in the comparison by default (as they are specific to RadiantOne FID and generally not applicable). The default ignored attributes are: createtimestamp, ds-sync-generation-id, vdssynchist, entryuuid, modifiersname, cachecreatetimestamp, ds-sync-hist, ds-sync-state, creatorsname, cachemodifytimestamp, vdssynccursor, modifytimestamp, cachecreatorsname, cachemodifiersname, uuid, and vdssyncstate. If you would like to add attributes to be ignored, use the -i flag. 
Navigate to [RLI_HOME]\bin\advanced (from command line as Admin) and run this command:
ldif-utils.bat -c "[path of the ignorecache sorted ldif]" "[path of the usecache sorted file]" -g true -i <list of attributes to be excluded in comaprison (comma separated)> -w difference.ldif






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